The mod offers widescreen and analog support not previously available through the Steam release, and even gives players the option to revert text style to that of the PSX release of the game. Moguri mod also packs 14 reorchestrated songs, higher (30) fps animated sequences, retextured world and battle maps, and even the area text has been upscaled to be a little friendlier on the eyes. The backgrounds may have been upscaled with AI, but the fact that this edge cleaning all had to be done manually is a testament to the herculean efforts involved in taking XI to the next level.īackgrounds weren't the only things getting touch-ups, although they certainly make up the lion's share of things the mod changes thanks to the sheer number of backgrounds in need of clean-ups. This improved the clarity of layers versus 3d objects or moving backgrounds, allowing both to be seen in a much more crisp, distinct way. The trailer also notes that 11000 layers were redrawn, referring specifically to layer edges, for the project.